When it comes to boosting heart health, helping lower blood cholesterol, managing your weight, and regulating blood sugar levels, dietary fiber is a great place to start. Here are some easy ways to add fiber to your diet at home and dining out.
Q: How do I add more fiber to my diet for heart health?
A: What a great question for American Heart Month! When it comes to boosting heart health, helping lower blood cholesterol, managing your weight, and regulating blood sugar levels, dietary fiber is a great place to start. To ensure you’re getting the recommended 20-35 grams of fiber per day, aim to get fiber from a variety of different sources, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Here are some easy ways to add fiber to your diet at home and dining out:
- Opt for whole grain breads, pastas and sides.
- Add extra vegetables to your meal with side salads or double vegetables.
- Choose fresh fruit for dessert.
- Swap meat for beans and legumes several times per week.
How do you add fiber to your diet?