7 Tips for Making Healthy Changes

Making healthy changes really should be a family affair.  This is especially true when it comes to healthy changes for weight loss.  Obesity Action Coalition recently posted tips for Bariatric Cooking and Your Family that really are great for ANYONE ready to make dietary changes with the support of family.

Healthy Food

Making healthy changes really should be a family affair.  This is especially true when it comes to healthy changes for weight loss.  Obesity Action Coalition recently posted tips for Bariatric Cooking and Your Family that really are great for ANYONE ready to make dietary changes with the support of family:

  • Educate your family and try to make it a team effort – let your family know what you need to be successful and what kinds of foods you will be eating.
  • Research together – look for and decide on new healthy recipes together to get everyone involved in some of the decisions.
  • Sneak in substitutions – use low-fat cheese and other “light” ingredients in place of higher fat and calorie options.
  • Realize it can’t happen overnight – make one or two changes at a time, and you’ll be there before you know it.
  • Don’t make two meals – your family doesn’t have to follow the same plan, but one meal can accommodate everyone when some healthier options are integrated.
  • Communicate – this is key to making healthy changes as a family.
  • It really has to be about you…some of the time – make your success a priority if you need to, even if it means making two meals, after all.

What have you found helpful when making healthy changes as a family?  Get more information about these tips and healthy changes after bariatric surgery from Obesity Action Coalition.  Search for Healthy Dining menu choices, hand-picked by dietitians, that can help you meet your health and weight loss goals on HealthyDiningFinder.com.