The fresh ginger found at the grocery store looks like a root or branch with a grayish brown outer layer. In order to get to the usable part of the vegetable, you have to peel off the hard outer shell.
Full Question:“The ginger that I see in the grocery store looks so different from the ginger on my plate at a sushi restaurant. How do I prepare it and use it in meals?”
That is great that you are noticing the different types of fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. It can be easy to just walk to your old standards, but it is always a good idea to venture out and try new variety of fruits, vegetables, and spices. The fresh ginger found at the grocery store looks like a root or branch with a grayish brown outer layer. In order to get to the usable part of the vegetable, you have to peel off the hard outer shell. You’ll notice that once you peel off the outer layer, the color of ginger on the inside is a pale yellow or tan, which is very different from the pink ginger found on your plate at sushi restaurants.
Fresh ginger will also taste pretty different, too! That is because the ginger found at sushi restaurants is pickled with rice vinegar, sugar and salt (and sometimes a red beet to get the pink color). You can purchase pickled ginger at the grocery store if you would like to use that for your meals, but watch out for the sodium content. It can get pretty high! Fresh ginger can be added to baked goods and stir-fry meals or incorporated into marinades and sauces. Once the outer layer is removed, fresh ginger can be diced, sliced or grated to fit your culinary needs. When selecting fresh ginger at the store, look for roots that are firm and aren’t cracked or withered. Store them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks (or freeze them in an airtight container for up to one month).
If you are in the mood for ginger while eating out, Healthy Dining has many restaurants from which choose, such as the Dynamite Sushi Bowl from Fuji Grill (410 calories, 3.5 g fat), Sweet Lean Pork from BD’s Mongolian Café (280 calories, 9 g fat), or Ginger Chicken Stir-Fry from Friendly’s (530 calories, 10 g fat).